Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Medicated Children. . .

i have been reading articles on childhood obesity, diabetes and other related illnesses. it is really sad. they are saying how so many children have to take prescription drugs related to all these use to be adult illnesses. now these children that have not even reached puberty and are required to take these drugs on a daily basis.

what is wrong with us? we have all gone from going outside to play and get some sun to staying inside. the same old broken record going over and over again in my head about how the sun is bad for you and how it can cause skin cancer. truth be told i would rather my daughter get skin cancer than be obese and get diabetes and be on a regimen of these drugs. i would rather my daughter have to get a little bit of her skin cut off than be walking around a time bomb staying in the house.

but. . . there are no children going outside to play any more. oh it is to hot and nothing to do. what did we all do as children outside, we all had a good ol' time and played till the evening hours and than went home to have dinner and go to bed. our own children dont do this. . . we are to affriad of child predators and skin cancer.

so maybe we should watch our children and go outside with them, behind them with the sun block.

do you know that rickets has come back? yes, rickets. . .good ol' fashion vitamin d would take care of this but no. . .our children are locked in the house all day where it is nice and cool and no one bad can touch them. let us all go outside with our children, spend some time with them. maybe that would also help their psyicis as well and they would not need to go see a shrink when they are older because mommy and daddy never spent any time with them.

seriously. . we all need to throw our children outside and tell them to stay outside a while. yes i am talking to myself as well.

amazing how a little time outside could rid us all of our sleep problems, our obesity. . . our pains. . . just saying

1 comment:

  1. With Dianne living here now, the kids have gotten a lot more outdoors time - because they have their cousins to play with! I realized that I always felt overprotective with my kids playing with other people's children, because I didn't REALLY know the families. I feel fine letting Mercedes run the neighborhood with Samantha, though, knowing that they're always going to end up at our house or theirs. Not that the myriad of things that could happen with friends that she's NOT related to couldn't happen, but I don't know - I guess I feel safer because Mercedes feels an obligation to protect her little cousin?
